The Beef Boys is my senior thesis film project, a 3D animated series that turns real-life gaming moments with my friends into a slice-of-life, adult-humor narrative. Using genuine audio clips from our sessions, each episode builds on our raw, spontaneous interactions, exaggerated through animation to capture a mix of humor and relatability. Combining a painterly 3D aesthetic with comedy inspired by Adult Swim classics, The Beef Boys seeks to push the boundaries of adult animation while exploring the chaotic, heartfelt nature of friendship in gaming culture.
A Bachelor's of Fine Arts with a focus in Illustration candidate at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, began her artistic journey at Columbia College Chicago before the pandemic shifted her path. Although rooted in Arkansas, she maintains a New York-adjacent spirit as noted by her mother. Known as the animal whisperer amongst her family and friends, Bacot's artwork frequently explores the wacky side of animal subject and characterization. Recently, she has also delved into animation, bringing her whimsical animal characters to life with a new layer of motion and expression. Described as opinionated, stubborn, and reserved until stirred, Bacot brings a distinctive edge to her creative endeavors.